18 September 2007

I Am An Old Crone

Inspired by Miss Parker, I decided to attend my local LDS Institute. Seeing as how we are a small rural farm town, we have one class every Tuesday night. Last week was book club, so this was my first week. This evening was no easier on my self-esteem than that one. As everyone filed in to the room, I realized I was older than most of these people by a decade. A DECADE! The classroom was full of recent high school graduates and boys waiting to go on their missions. There was maybe one or two girls who were returned missionaries, so maybe the age difference was more like 6 years, but still. Also, I realized that the irreverant Six Million Dollar Man joke (in my defense, he did say "he can rebuild you" which reflexively triggered the rest of the opening monologue) that went through my head when the teacher was giving a spiritual thought from President Hinckley about being rebuilt like a building that has been destroyed through repentence and the Atonement would have only made sense to the teacher. The show was actually before my time, but I remember watching reruns. These people wouldn't even have seen reruns of The Cosby Show, let alone the original run. I will be going back to Institute, but I think I'll slip in late and skip the intro by the class president that drove me insane. I had to fight the urge to shush everyone like I do the Young Women on Sundays.


Treat Queen said...

Seriously, slip in late. The beginning is always random announcements that make you wonder why you came in on time. This is advice from at least three years of institute. Its not worth your sanity. Anything anyone besides the teacher says, you don't need to listen to.

Heather said...

You're a brave.. brave woman.
Way to Go!

I actually miss institute a little.. well, the learning the scriptures part of it.. not the annoying just out of high schooler's part :)

ZB said...

I can only laugh!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about that 6 million dollar man stuff. I would have thought the same thing. I do that with DMB songs. If anyone says a word or phrase that is in a song, the song pops into my head. Happened to me all the time on my mission. I had to quickly put some church music into my head! I had that same experience when I went to YSA activities when I came back home after the Y. I realized I was in the same age group now as kids I taught in primary! That was scary. I say slip in late and go home early, that way you get the lesson without the social hour. I always felt alienated in my YSA group here. Wasn't worth my time. No body gave lessons and we just played volleyball.

Unknown said...

Hey, even my brother felt old when he went to the singles ward the week after he got off his mission! He thought they were sooo young, and he is only 21! Insitute is good though, doesn't Br. Stones still teach it?

Relaxed Cat said...

wow - good for you.