25 October 2008

The Space-Time Continuum Has Some Explaining To Do

So, I'm sitting here at 10 o'clock at night on a Saturday, having just finished my philosophy reading (the whole chapter on indoctrination illuminates nothing so much as the author's hatred for the Catholic Church and religion in general) which did nothing to put me in the mood of finishing the writing of the talk I agreed to give in church tomorrow. Instead, I have been wasting time meanderingly checking blogs I regularly read and links on those blogs to other blogs and inadvertently discovered Confessions Of A Single Mormon Girl, which has a Scully there too. After reading her posts, I couldn't decide if I had stumbled upon a loop in the space-time continuum and was reading the writings of a future me or a me in an alternative dimension or if similar-thinking people choose the same internet identity. And if it is the space-time continuum, why am I not simultaneously spending some quality time in the TARDIS with a certain attractive Time Lord?

I think I'll go take a bubble bath whilst the universe and the space-time continuum contemplate that question.


Science Teacher Mommy said...

Share, Scully, share. By the way, I never know which blog is your "regular" blog to comment on and/or read. I know, I know. You'll say all of them . ..

Scully said...

Oh, my regular blog is this one, the basement office - the others are either side projects or friends' blogs that I have administrator privileges on. And thanks for letting me share your ideas. I liked the logic of them and the emphasis on learning and students - not tenure!

chosha said...

...why am I not simultaneously spending some quality time in the TARDIS with a certain attractive Time Lord?

Maybe you are.

Scully said...

The space time continuum rift question continues as I am the education counselor in my relief society too. If you are the youngest of 4 and have a possible future bunion forming on the first knuckle of your right big toe we need to submit ourselves to a university study somewhere. Although I do have to say that Dr. Who really does nothing for me.

Scully said...

Its all in the accent, Scully. And I'm the oldest of 2. Although my feet have suffered much due to my shoe addiction.

And Chosha, you just blew my mind!

Saxon said...

have you heard the bad news yet about this 'doctor'?

Scully said...

I read it, Saxon. And I wanted to commiserate with you. I will definitely miss David Tennant as the Doctor. After the last special airs, we should have a moment of silence. ; )