17 November 2007


Ok, so I am taking the GRE in on Friday. And in the 11 years since I took my last math class I have managed to completely bury everything I ever learned. Remember the quadratic formula? Because I didn't until I saw it in the GRE study guide and broke into a cold sweat and horrid flashbacks of hours spent on algebra homework. If you have forgotten, it looks like this:

Do you remember it now? Anyway, I have been cramming my brain full of mathematics for an hour after work each day, which leaves little time for anything else. Also, Thanksgiving is Thursday and I volunteered to cook it because neither my dad and I have enough vacation time to travel to see our relatives. Some friends invited us to their Thanksgiving, but I don't think either of us are up for spending Thanksgiving with other people's relatives. Which brings us back to the fact that I have to finish remembering, and then executing correctly, all the heinous math I spent the last decade blocking out AND create an entire Thanksgiving dinner in the next 6 days. This means that I have to give up some things. Like this blog. So I will see you in a week and let you all know how it went.


Katie said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Don't tell me this! I haven't taken a math class since juior year of HIGH SCHOOL! I am screwed when I finally decide to apply for grad school.

Katie said...

P.S. Good luck with the dinner! (I wish you could spend Thanksgiving with us though.)

Heather said...

Oh man.. I too managed to not take any math classes since Jr. year of HS.. I'm not so sure that whole opting out because of good ACT scores is such a good idea in the long run :) but it sure was too tempting to pass up at the time. (and that formula does look vaguely familiar.. crazy!)

Good luck with that.. I have every confidence in the world that you will do well. You are so smart.

And Good luck with dinner.. Go with the boneless turkey breast or something easy.

And if you haven't seen Stardust yet, RENT IT! I loved it.. such a fun movie.

Happy Thanksgiving and I hope it goes well. Tell your Dad happy holidays as well.

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the boneless turkey breast. It cooks a lot faster and you can do more with it. What turned me off for the GRE was the vocab section. Once I saw all those words that I didn't know, I stopped studying and said forget it; I'll never pass. I'll be sending my math geek vibes over to you.

Anonymous said...

Ohh...that is giving me rickets. Sorry I am no help at all in that area. But I'm bossing the Universe Genie--you will rock it. ;)

Unknown said...

Yeah. Bad memories of praying for my -A's in math to become A's so I could get accepted into BYU. And hey, at least you won't have to cook for a week after Thanksgiving with all the leftovers you will have! Good luck on Friday! You are brilliant you will do amazingly, I have no doubt.

Unknown said...

Good luck with the GRE! And happy holidays! You will do great on both!

blackjazz said...

You have my sympathies with the maths exam.

Email it to me and I'll tell you the answers :-)