14 July 2009

Highly Probably Outcome

So, I am feeling restless and adventurous and like I want to take a risk. My personal life doesn't really afford much in the way of adventure or risk-taking right now. Writing blog posts late on a Tuesday night seems to be about as crazy as it gets. Not that I'm really complaining - stability is a good thing. However, something needs to change. Which means I have been seriously toying with the idea of chopping my hair. It is really only chin length right now, so by chop I mean a few more inches. I have had it very short before, but not for quite some time. So I would like your opinions. Or at least hoping that if it is a really bad idea a voice of sanity will reach through the internets and virtually slap some sense into me. But first I should show you what I am thinking.

Above is the old standby of hair risk I have never quite been brave enough to demand. I have tried once or twice and been convinced by stylists that perhaps I should go with something slightly different, i.e. not so bold, short, or made for a face like Gwyneth Paltrow's. I understand their hesitancy because I obviously have a very different face, but they needn't have feared any retribution on my part if I ended up not liking it. Hair grows, I don't care that much, it is just hair, etc. Then I watched an Audrey Hepburn movie called How to Steal a Million which is worth watching just for a yummy, young Peter O'Toole and Hepburn's Givenchy wardrobe. But it also made me realize I really want to cut my hair.

I am a bit obsessed with her hair right here. I don't have an Audrey Hepburn face either, so I'm sure my stylist would balk, but I really do adore the short, faux-beehiveness of it all. Am I crazy? Here are some other angles:

Any opinions? I won't be able to make an appointment for a few days, so feel free to let me know what you think, dear readers. Although, it is a highly probably outcome. And if you want to see the hair in action, How to Steal a Million is streaming on Netflix.

Edited to Add: This is the current state of my hair. Just thought that might help with the opinion-making.


Katie said...

I had the Paltrow haircut at one point in my college life and I loved it. It was a royal pain in the arse to grow out, though, so keep that in mind. I remember your hair being shorter after you came home from London and I loved it then. I think change is always good--so I say, if you feel ready, take the plunge!

Nemesis said...

I have always wanted that haircut but was halted by two things:

1. I have a funny lumpy neck

2. My hair is way too curly. That's the thing I wanted to ask you about. Would your hair stay straight in the back or would you be having to blowdry/flat-iron out all those pieces every day?

Scully said...

I generally do the blowout/flatiron combo every other day and my hair stays straight during the interim. So cutting it would cut my prep time, giving me the opportunity to hit snooze one more time. Which is becoming increasingly important these days.

Science Teacher Mommy said...

LOVE that hair. My hair is too frizzy and thick for that look, but I always wanted it. I did have more messy Meg Ryanesque short hair for a number of years and loved it though. You go girl. PERFECT for summer.

The Ringmaster said...

I think you should do it! You have always been able to do great things with your hair, why not this? Let me know how it goes. My biggest adventure is going to get my straight hair straightened . . . so I will have to live vicariously through you.

Scully said...

How did the straightening work out? I have always been curious how that works.

The Ringmaster said...

I'm going tomorrow (Thursday). I'll let you know how it goes . . . I do know that I will not be able to wash my hair or pull it back in any way for four days (yikes!).

Scully said...

So, I have a hair appointment for 5 o'clock tonight! I will post pictures when I have them.