Due to popular demand and my new-found posting skills, I'm giving you the illustrated version of Scully's February 2006 Fantasy Boyfriend line-up.

Gregory House, MD (Actor: Hugh Laurie)

Michael Rosenbaum

Sayid Jarrah (Actor: Naveen Andrews)

John Krasinski as Jim Halpert on
The Office
Dean Winchester (Actor: Jensen Ackles)
Two words to descibe JA: hot.
Ok, that Dr. House is looking a little crazy round the eyes. Get away from me, you crazy-eyed psycho!
love your fantasy boyfriend team.
I wonder if there's a fantasy boyfriend league online somewhere.
CherBear, The Berrisford Agenda is almost worth the price of the DA S2 DVDs. Glasses, wet, angst - the Trifecta of Attractive! Parker, the fact that the only pic I could find that fit my perameters has some psycho pseudo-circulatory system background. Plus, you must remember he is addicted to painkillers. And Ruby G, maybe we should start a blog called the Fantasy Boyfriend League or FBL {TM pending ;)}. Every entry could spotlight a fantasy bf. And it is official, I need a life!
You can never go wrong with a good chisled jaw line and captivating eyes.
Walking, it is always the eyes that get me. Always. The exemption being my senior crush in high school. I sat behind him in calculus and became mesmerized by his shoulders. And dropped calculus at the end of the semester. Yes, I am that shallow.
The FBL sounds like a more complex, harder-to-decide on version of Desert Island. Heh.
CherBear, I don't think Parker would allow the FBL to function withou Rupert Evrett, so Alan Cummings can join. Although I just saw X-Men 2 on TV, so when I read his name, I immediately saw him all blue, with weird teeth and a tail. Not the image you are imagining, I bet.
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